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Say Gheese Cheesecake

Say Gheese Cheesecake

Pictured : Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake

Red HOT special.
Lovers this one is for you.

Have you ever put something in your mouth that you instantly know is DEE-LICIOUS?! 

It is like your taste buds scream ‘I want more.’ When you eat a bite of a Say Gheese (pronounced jeez) Cheesecake I can promise you that your tastebuds will love you (and let’s be real, there is no way you’re having just ONE bite of cheesecake). 

Geoff Smith, creator of Say Gheese, has discovered a talent and passion – making Cheesecake.
What started out as signing up to bring a dessert to a holiday get together has now blossomed into a beautiful hobby. One that has produced so many cakes we have lost count…and yes, at one point we did have a running tally. 

Here are a few cake combinations he has made thus far : 

  1. Peach Plum Nectarine

  2. Mango Creme Brûlée

  3. Lavender Lemon with Early Grey glaze

  4. Carmel Apple

  5. Blueberries & Cream

….is your sweet tooth grabbing your attention yet? 

When asked ‘where’ he pulls his inspiration from...

He responded by sharing more about his childhood.  ‘Growing up with a single mom who cooked, there was a constant challenge to provide variation when using the same ingredients. No one wants to eat the same meal over and over.’ It was then he learned to think about the ingredients and how to use them in unique and unconventional ways. 

You can always tell when someone has a natural passion for a certain skill- it exudes from deep within. It excites, challenges and truly fulfills the soul. Geoff focuses integrating unique textures, symbiotic flavors, and creating an aesthetically pleasing presentation.  

Photography by Sheldon Rivens @sheldoninfocus

Without uncovering his unique secrets, when asked ‘what makes your cheesecake different from any other,’ he responded by sharing ‘attention to detail.’

Anyone who has a hand in the baking world, knows the challenges it presents. It is an art of exact measurement. It is a science experiment that with just the slightest modification (ex : change in temperature or material) can alter and derail the entire process.

Pictured you’ll see Geoff applying a white chocolate lace to the perimeter of the cheesecake. This had to be handled with a delicate touch yet adds a unique depth to the cheesecake itself. 

Anyone who has a hand in the baking world, knows the challenges it presents. It is an art of exact measurement. It is a science experiment that with just the slightest modification (ex : change in temperature or material) can alter and derail the entire process.

Pictured you’ll see Geoff applying a white chocolate lace to the perimeter of the cheesecake. This had to be handled with a delicate touch yet adds a unique depth to the cheesecake itself. 

Geoff shared what he believes the hardest part about the process to be ‘waiting.’ Whether it is during the early stage of the cheesecake ‘setting’ in the fridge or the waiting in-between the decorating the many layers of creativity. To ensure the final product is nothing less than perfection, you must have patience. 

We couldn’t be more excited for our dear friend. We look forward to watching his hobby grow annnnddd can’t complain that we selfishly get to try some cheesecake along the way ; ) 

Ready to buy one of Geoffs amazing creations?

We can assure you that your cheesecake will become the topic of conversation at any dinner, event or celebration. 

  1. How much do you charge for one cake? $60.00 – $80.00 depending on flavor pairings and/or ingredients
  2. How do you place an order? Message his Instagram account @SayGheese or send an email to
  3. How much notice do you need to prepare a Cheesecake? One week
  4. When would you deliver the finished cake? Delivery or pick up can be arranged on Fridays (but an increase in demand will add additional delivery options). If your event takes place on a day when Friday arrangements cannot be made, just send a private message and Geoff will try to accommodate you. 

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